Sunday, July 17, 2011

I am living in the land of carbs!!

How is a girl supposed to retain her girlish figure (or try to reaccquire what was lost at our last duty station) when living in CARB WORLD? We visited a small agricultural fair today, and had a great time checking out the Belgian cows (the biggest, most muscled creatures I have ever seen), horses, and tractors. But also, the fair was filled with CARBS!! Waffles, chocolate, breads, fries, and beer. Oh geez, this is going to be tough...

We are starting to get adjusted, but it will be a long 2-3 weeks in this lodge. It is hard to cook in the small space, and with the small pans. It is hard to go out, because we are not sure where to try, and prices can get expensive.

Weather has been very Belgian...if you don't like it, just wait a minute and it will change!

Jay picked up some pizzas from outside the gate here, and just got gotta go! My carbs await!

1 comment:

  1. But you should be walking them off so it's okay, right?! ;-D
